Thursday 25 June 2015

Why Re-make A Music Video?

We are re-making Britney Spears' Music Video for Hit Me Baby One More Time, this will help us to see how music videos are filmed and edited. By practising filming a music video we can understand the preparation involved when planning and making a music video which we can apply to our coursework when making our own music video.

Music Videos often include lots of different camera shots and angles and re-making this video will help us to practise and understand this. We can practise working with short and quick shots and learn how to edit this effectively and professionally.

The editing will be more difficult with a music video as there will be more shots and angles to work with. Lip syncing in music videos is also an important aspect, the lip syncing will need to mat up with the song; this will impact both the filming and editing stages of creating a music video and the practice that we will have by re-making this video will help us to achieve a more accurate and professional music video of our own at a later stage.

By doing this project as a class it means we will be able to practise all the aspects of making a music video but without the pressure of making the whole thing. This means it wont take as long and it will be easier for us to focus on making a short section of it really good but still gaining practice in all the necessary skills for making a music video.

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