Monday 29 June 2015

Textual Analysis of Plan B Music Video

The Plan B music video for Writing's on the Wall belongs to the genre of Pop, the artist also belongs to the pop/rap/soul genre.
The video has a narrative which is part of a larger narrative that links across Plan B's videos, telling the story of the fictional character Strickland Banks. This is relevant to Goodwin's theory as the artist has a recurring theme/symbol across a range of his videos.
The narrative of this video tells the story of Strickland Banks and the relationship with his wife, it shows him as having an affair whilst his wife is at home waiting for him, cooking their dinner.
This video has quite a predictable narrative that links with the song lyrics and genre of the music although some parts of the narrative could be unexpected like the outcome of the video/narrative.
There are inter-textual links to Stevie Wonder's Superstition video:

Narrative and representation:

The storyline shows a wife cooking dinner whilst her husband is having an affair, there are certain elements of the video that represent stereotypical features of symbols. The woman in the kitchen presents a stereotypical view of women and gender stereotypes, this is also reflected in the narrative parts surrounding the male character as he is a celebrity earning money to bring home to his wife in the domestic environment. It presents the character of Strickland Banks as the dominant figure in the relationship but also as an unfaithful partner.

The visual codes of the framing has connotations to help the audience understand the narrative for example the dark clothing and low key lighting connotes a sinister feeling over the narrative; this foreshadows the disruption stage of Toderov's narrative theory:

The narrative of the video is relevant to Toderov's theory is relevant to the structure of the music video for example the equilibrium stage begins at the beginning where the audience are not aware of anything wrong, the disruption stage includes the character of Strickland Banks cheating on his wife with another woman. The wife puts the phone down after repeatedly ringing her husband to call him home for dinner, this is where the recognition stage is present. In this video the attempt to repair is unsuccessful and this is where the music video contradicts Toderov's theory. However, it could be argued that the new equilibrium is the husband and wife alone.

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